Black Diamond Kits

Black Diamond Kits
Sage's Kits, Nine Weeks Old

Monday, November 23, 2015

Kits, A Couple of Tips For New Breeders

Just after the doe kindles her litter, you will want to check the kits for a few things.  First, you want to ensure the kits were completely cleaned. If any were not, clean them with a warm washcloth or paper towel.  You also need to check the nest for any stillborn kits and remove them.  Finally, if the doe hasn't pulled enough wool you will want to cover them with angora fiber that you have set aside for this purpose. 

After kindling is probably the most critical time, but the time between ten and fourteen days is also very important.  The kits open their eyes around day 10.  If a kit does not open its eyes by day 12, it is probably due to nest box eye, a common ailment that can result in blindness if left untreated.  Nest box eye looks like a few grungies (in this house, "sleep" in other houses) around the eye.  These grungies are sealing the eye shut.  To treat this problem, dip a q-tip in warm water and gently swab around the eye several times a day until the problem resolves and the eyes open.  Nest box eye is generally not a problem in kits that have a clean nest box. 

The weaning process begins when the kits are about one month old.  This can be a difficult transition for the kits.  Indeed, some will not transition well, but you can help your kits.  This is a good time to start weighing the kits daily to make sure they are gaining weight.  If the kits stop gaining weight or are losing weight two days in a row, you might wish to supplement them with formula in a bottle.  Because this can be a difficult transition for their digestive systems, some kits may get messy bottoms.  You need to clean their bottoms to make sure there is no blockage.  That would be fatal.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is very timely, as Blue had ten (!!!?!!!) kits this evening. They all appear to be versions of grey, except for a couple, which are very light and a runt that may be white. All are healthy, for now, but ten seems like a lot to nurse! She pulled a lot of hair and cleaned them well. i started a blog, and posted pics tonight. Eggs n sweaters rabbitry and microfarm.
