Black Diamond Kits

Black Diamond Kits
Sage's Kits, Nine Weeks Old

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Rabbit Treats

By Lydia

Rabbits like occasional treats.    What you give your rabbit depends on age, weight, and health. 

The following treats are great for everyone except young rabbits:   wheat grass (sprouted wheat), corn stalks and leaves, strawberries and strawberry leaves, raspberries and raspberry leaves, carrots and carrot tops, apple cores, and coconut oil drizzled over oats.

Cookie enjoying a strawberry leaf

A half-slice of cheap whole wheat bread per day is ideal for rabbits that need to gain weight.
Even if your rabbit is at an ideal weight or overweight, it is still nice to give him a treat.  These rabbits can have just a bread crumb or wild bird seed. 

Blue enjoying a half-slice of wheat bread
 Young rabbits—those over three months—have a limited selection of acceptable treats.  Their digestive systems are still developing and are extremely sensitive.  They can have an occasional green strawberry leaf.  They can also have wheat grass.  Rabbits LOVE wheat grass.  They can also have wild bird seed.

If your rabbit has marbles or doodles strung together, these treats may help your rabbit break down the wool.  Papaya cubes are always tasty and have enzymes that help break down the wool.  Fresh pineapple and fresh pineapple juice (sometimes you have to cut it with water) will help, too.  Lettuce is also beneficial. 

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